Gift Track Lists screen provides an easy reference to all your gift related lists. Lists included in Gift Track for easy reference are a shopping list, thank you reminders list, a gift stash list, and a list of different types of events.
The Shopping List contains all gifts with the Need to Buy status. Selecting the gift in the list will take you to its Gift Detail.
The Thank You Reminders list contains a list of people in which a thank you should be sent (or received). The gift and gift-related event is also shown for easy reference. The change between Yes and No will also be updated throughout the program. Once the Yes is set the reminder will be removed from the Thank You Reminders list in the next viewing of the screen.
My Gift Stash contains all gifts with the To Be Given status. Selecting the gift in the list will take you to its Gift Detail.
The Event Types contains a list of potential gift-giving events. The New Event template may be opened by selecting the blue arrow.